DANIEL Chapter Seven - Four Beasts of Daniel's Dream by Betty Matteson Rhodes) 1-2: In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions in his head, as he lay upon his bed: then he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters. Daniel spoke and said, I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea. Daniel was a young man from the tribe of Judah who had been taken captive to Babylon. Daniel was known for dream interpretations, his own dreams as well as those of others. King Belshazzar's first year as king was 555 BCE, so this seventh chapter of the book of Daniel was written approximately 2,564 years ago (in 2009). 3: And four great beasts came up from the sea, diverse one from another. Daniel saw four great beasts arise up from the Great Mediterranean Sea - which could also indicate the Great Age of Pisces, a turbulent and dark water sign. Yeshua walking across the stormy sea to calm the fears of his disciples would cover both aspects of a great sea, literally and astrologically. The length of the Mediterranean Sea is c. 4000 km (2500 miles), compared to the USA, is 4500 km (2800 miles) across. The Great Age of Pisces began c.140 BCE and lasts approximately 2160 years, depending on the size of the constellation that the Sun and Solar System traverses. Subtracting 140 years BCE from 2160 tells us that around the year 2020 CE the Age of Pisces will end and Aquarius will begin. Chapter Seven, Verse #17: These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth... these beasts represent earthly kings, governmental empires, or even religious powers on earth during the Age of Pisces and specifically the man who was known as the origin of the beast's suggestive description. They rise out of the earth, meaning earthly mortals, and their empires are represented. The beasts were 'diverse' one from another. The Aramaic word for 'diverse' indicates altered, changed, or different in some way, one from the other. Suggesting perhaps that the beasts may be connected to each other somehow, but altered in appearance, character, or power, one from the other. 4: The first (beast) was like a LION, and had EAGLE'S WINGS: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.
Justinian the Great also ruled from Constantinople. Both are famous Roman Emperors that made their mark in history and contributed to the power of the Lion Beast. More on Justinian below
Daniel watched until the wings of the once grand city were eventually plucked by 1453 CE. At this time, Constantinople fell at the hand of Muslim Ottoman Turks - the wings of the eagle [Constantine] had at this time, been plucked. Constantine and Constantinople were credited s being the "Cradle of Orthodox Christian civilization" ** The beasts are prophesied in their relationship to the Hebrew peoples, and the northern and southern Kingdoms of Israel were mainly in the northern Isles, i.e. Ireland, Scotland, Breton, and Wales by the time Christianity was formed. ** Source: Parry, Ken (2009). Christianity: Religions of the World. Info base Publishing. p.139. ISBN 9781438106397. Parry, Ken (2010). The Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity. John Wiley & Sons. p. 368. ISBN 9781444333619. ![]() Winged Lion of St. Mark 5: And behold another beast, a second, likened to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in its mouth between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.
![]() The bear, having three such bones, might be thought of as having conquered three different legal systems or governments. The BEAR beast that raised itself up on one side was Charlemagne (742-814 CE) aka Charles the Great, the King of the Franks and Lombards from the Carolingian Dynasty. Not only was Charlemagne built like a bear in size and stature, he rose up on one side because he was not only crowned [The BEAR beast begins with Charlemagne (742-814 CE) aka Charles the Great, the King of the Franks and Lombards from the Carolingians, who were Germanic tribal peoples. Not only was Charlemagne built like a Bear in size and stature, he rose up only on one side because he The 3 ribs in the Bear's mouth were the Lombards, Avar, and the Saxons. Charlemagne forced the Saxons into Christianity and then integrated them into his Empire, as he did the Lombards. Charlemagne was coronated as Emperor of Rome on December 25, 800 CE or AD, by the Roman Pope Leo III. Charlemagne became the Imperator Augustus of Western Rome and the rival of the Eastern Byzantine Empire. Thusly, the Bear is shown raised up (to power) on one side (Western). Charlemagne's Frankish Empire lasted until 843 CE followed by a vacancy as emperor until Otto 1st was crowned in 962 CE. Otto 1st took over as the Bear beast, which became the Holy Roman Empire made up of German Emperors. Otto 1st was from the House of Saxony. The "Holy" Roman Empire of Germanic rulers continued their reign until the year 1806 AD, at which time Napoleon put an end to the horrible unholy Empire. The 'Holy' Roman Empire was a brutal, fierce, murderous Empire that showed no mercy to the true Saints.] The 3 ribs in the Bear's mouth were the people known as the Lombards, Goths, and the Saxons. Charlemagne forced the Saxons into Christianity and then integrated them into his Empire, along with the Lombards. Charlemagne's coronation as Emperor of Rome occurred on December 25, 800 CE, by the Roman Pope Leo III. Charlemagne became the Imperator Augustus of Western Rome and the rival of the Eastern Byzantine Empire. Thusly, the Bear is shown raised up (to power) on one side (Western). Charlemagne's Frankish Empire lasted until 843 CE followed by a vacancy as emperor until Otto 1st was crowned in 962 CE. Otto 1st took over as the Bear beast, which by this time was known as the Holy Roman Empire, and was made up of German Emperors. Otto 1st was from the House of Saxony. The Holy Roman Empire of Germanic rulers continued their reign until the year 1806 AD, at which time Napoleon ended this unholy Empire. The 'Holy' Roman Empire was a brutal murderous and ungodly Empire that showed no mercy to those who opposed their power. Why Christmas is Celebrated on December 25th: Charlemagne the Great, was crowned at his coronation, Pope and Emperor on December 25, 800 AD. This is why Christians celebrate Christmas on this date every year. It was originally celebrating Charlemagne, not the birth of Christ. A wheel much like the one depicted in plate 71 also is representative of the "Coronation Wheel". This is the famous rota porphyritic or wheel of coronation that comes from old Saint Peter’s, the ancient basilica built by Constantine. It was on this stone that stood the emperors when they were crowned by the popes. A great disk in red porphyry, set in the pavement just past the door to the aisle. On this great wheel knelt Charlemagne, king of the Franks on the eve of Christmas in the year 800 CE, when Pope Leo III (795 -816) crowned Charlemagne "Roman Emperor" (so was he acclaimed by all those present), placing the Imperial Diadem upon his head. On that same wheel numerous other emperors were also crowned, among them Lotarian I, Ludvic II, Lambert of Spoleto, Berengar, the two Ottonians, Frederick Barbarossa and Frederick II. In 529 CE, Justinian ordered ALL people to become Christian, and in 534 CE came the completion of ‘Justinian’s Law Code.’ The Eastern wing of the Roman Empire, with its religion keeping its heart robustly beating, tried to eradicate the faith of the Jewish people, along with the twelve tribes of Israel, from off the face of the Earth. Rome had hoped, as the Assyrians and Babylonians had done previously, to wipe out everything that was Hebrew; all Jewish Sabbath days and traditions were a menace to them, and they had hoped to diminish the importance of the Hebrew God by appointing a new god a place of equal, if not higher, position. This beast went so far as to allow the Jewish God, YHWH, an equal place in their TRINITY of characters. The idea of a ‘trinity of divinity’ came from ancient Babylon and Assyria, and was carried over into the new religion at Rome. Those who disapproved were slain in a most brutal way. The movement of this Roman religion, called Christianity, became so powerful that it moved across time like a great [Piscean] flood, reaching all corners of the Earth. It garnered strength and longevity, by strict enforcement through fear, murder, inquisitions, and the nearly complete, destruction of truth. Rome had previously burned the largest library on Earth, which was in Alexandria, Egypt. Burned to the logic that is echoed in many unintelligent voices today, 'If the contents of these books agree with the Holy Book, then they are redundant. If it disagrees, then they are undesirable. In either case, they should be consigned to the flames'. By the end of the Age of Pisces, this LION beast, with wings of an EAGLE, will have enticed, deceived, stolen the souls of, murdered, corrupted souls, and bought his way into the hearts and minds of millions of Israelite [Hebrew] peoples, as well as thousands of other cultures and nations of the world. Only a remnant of Israelites will pass the test of time and avoid the grip of this monster beast. This remnant will ultimately become the saints [or the chosen ones who have not lost their soul to the beast], such are the saints mentioned in the book of Daniel. Oh, that regal LION, considered the king of the animal world. Is there any animal that can ever hope to match the lion’s majestic reign? They say the beginnings of ancient ‘Rome’ began about 600 BCE. This was about the time that Assyria was destroyed [612 BCE]. Most researchers have overlooked this co-incidence, and the fact that the early Romans were actually the ancient Assyrians. "Upon Ashurbanipal's death in 627 BC, the empire began to disintegrate rapidly. The Scythians, Cimmerians and Medes [perhaps the Germanic tribes??] immediately penetrated the borders, marauding as far as Egypt, while Babylonia again became independent; Ashurbanipal's successor, Ashur-etil-ilani, seems to have exercised little real power. The Babylonian king Nabopolassar, along with Cyaxares the Mede, finally destroyed Nineveh in 612 BC, and Assyria fell." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assyria The amazing city of Constantinople was called the ‘Heavenly Jerusalem.’ Emperor Constantine was also referred to, and known as, ‘Christ’s vicar on Earth and his co-ruler’. It was said that Constantine was crowned by God himself. This Eastern wing/leg of the Roman Byzantine Empire had surely been lifted up off the Earth and was given heavenly status by it's rulers. However, the Western wing/leg had been gravely wounded by Barbaric tribes when they sacked and destroyed the Roman Empire in 476 CE., but later, however, the beast was again revived by Germanic tribes, and this leg became the infamous ‘Holy’ Roman Empire. Constantine the Great, as he was called, was heir to all rights and powers of the Roman Empire; and was also called the imitator of Christ. Constantine was the man who brought Rome’s great conversion to early Christianity about 300 AD. The ‘cross’ became his symbol. ‘In this sign (the cross) go and conquer’. This was the motto written upon the banners as they rode into battle during the Crusades. This is quite ironic too, because it was also the symbol used in ancient Assyria, Chaldee, and Babylon as well. The cross became the symbol of identity for the Roman lion beast after it was lifted up off the Earth - they held themselves in exaltation. Read some amazing admonishments of wonder-stricken ambassadors, who entered the city of Constantinople for the first time (around 1000 AD.). “We knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth,’..............and also, ‘For on earth there is no such splendor or such beauty, and we are at a loss how to describe it.’ And still a leader of a Latin army preparing to capture the city for the first time had this to say:.....’those who had never seen Constantinople marveled greatly at it, for they could not conceive that the world held so mighty a city, when they saw the height of the walls, the great towers enclosing it all around, the splendid palaces, the lofty churches (the number of which was so great that no one could believe it who had not seen it with their own eyes), and the length and breadth of the city that lorded over all others. And know ye that there was no man so bold that his flesh did not creep thereat, and this was no wonder.....’. 6: After this I beheld, and lo another (3rd beast), like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it. The LEOPARD, as we have seen in the giant Statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream, interpreted by Daniel, represented the Empire of Greece. It is safe to say that this Leopard beast also has something to do with Greece, but more specifically the Greek language.The New Testament of the Bible was written in the Greek language, and it would have been Saul / (Paul's) letters that were the first to be included. On the back of this Leopard beast were four wings of a fowl, which would have taken this beast to the four corners of the world. This beast represents the Protestant Reformation breaking away from the Catholic Church of Rome and Germany. The four most prominent heads would perhaps be John Calvin, Martin Luther, John Wycliffe and Jan Hus. This Leopard beast was given dominion and four wings, which helped to carry their message of Reformation far and wide across the entire globe. And just as a Leopard has many spots, so too did the Protestant Reformation, which began in 1515 CE, spread with great speed across the entire Earth and into the present century. 7 - 8: After this I saw in the night visions and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and broke in pieces, and then stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn (eleventh horn), before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots; and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man and a mouth speaking great things. The Ten Horns represent ten Germanic tribes that gave power to the beast along with Charlemagne, the Frankish Emperor/Pope. The iron teeth of the beast indicates Roman. The beast stamped its feet, trod down the weak (meek), destroyed the truth, and murdered millions of saints and innocent peoples during the seven Crusades that lasted from 1096 to 1291, all in the name of Christianity. And once again, religion was the pulsating 'heart' of this most dreadful beast that murdered millions of people during the Spanish Inquisition - ordered by the papal executioner of the Church. Eventually the 'heretic hunt' reached out over the entire Earth, as predicted by Daniel with witch burnings that began in Europe and continued in the colonies of America. Witch burnings were mainly done by Protestants, however, Catholics had much blood on their hands as well. Among the murdered were millions of Hebrew/Israelite peoples. An elaborate attempt had been made, by the powers of this 4th beast, to eliminate the truth about the chosen ones as well by mandating the Babylonian-type religion, with customs of traditional thrown in for 'good' measure. This 'adultery' is what the great harlot represents. The Papal executions and the Spanish Inquisitions were a bloody, torturous, and ruthless time that lasted hundreds of years, and most Christians today have never even heard of the Inquisition, so they have no clue about their religion's bloody dark past. The purpose of the Inquisition was to murder all who would not conform to the corrupted faith of the far from being Holy, the Germanic-Roman Beast. Millions of people were murdered for disagreeing with this monstrous beast, and the official murders lasted right up to 1807, when Napoleon declared an 'end' to the 'Holy' Roman Empire. The most DREADED and powerful beast - what could be worse than the unHoly Roman Empire (Bear beast) you ask? Sounds like, it will be this 4th beast. The Lion, the Bear, and Leopard beasts remain in existence right up until the coming of the 'Ancient of Days', albeit with lessened and limited power. Iron teeth indicates Rome. Roman Lion, dreadful and terrible like the Holy Roman Empire, and diverse like the Leopard's spots. The 4th beast with its ten plus one smaller horn is in existence and exercising great power when the Son of Man arrives in the clouds. The little horn comes up among the other horns and becomes a great power prior to the end of days. Regarding the ten horns, the Club of Rome, a powerful organization that co-exists along with other such societies in the world, work behind the scenes on a global scale. Have stated, "We will divide the whole world into ten divisions for a ten-division global empire." They plan to divide the ten horns into ten world sections as follows: 1. NAFTA (America, Canada and Mexico) 2. The E.U. European Union, Western Europe 3. Japan 4. Australia, New Zealand, South Africa 5. Eastern Europe, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and the former countries of the Soviet Union 6. Central and South America, Cuba, and Caribbean Islands 7. The Middle East and North Africa 8. The rest of Africa 9. South and Southeast Asia, including India 10. China 11. A Global Governmental power * Barbarians, to the Romans, were not Greek speaking peoples, which may include Germanic, Persian, Egyptian, Jewish or Phoenician.
Three of the above horns will be plucked up by their roots compliments of the Little Horn who is exercising power around the time that the Ancient of Days arrives from the Heavens (verse #13), and it is at that time this entire fourth Beast is destroyed by the Ancient of Days. The 3 horns that are plucked up by the 11th horn may be the first three on my unofficial list above, since they are the western cultures, perhaps more than likely the Saints of which Daniel spoke. The Saints would be subject to this little horn for a time, times and half a time. So this little horn would hold control and subdue three of the 'horns' listed above. The Little Horn stays in power for 3 and a half 'times'. Verses 20 & 21 says: '...and of the other (11th horn) which came up, and before whom three (horns) fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time' (3.5 years). The destruction from this 4th beast and its horns, pertains to the control and power it has over the saints - not the destruction of the Saints themselves. The Saints are innocent citizens and not responsible for what the horns and heads do unto the nations. The Saints must keep the faith even though they will go through a final testing that could be devastatingly difficult. From choosing between right and wrong, good and evil, righteous and unrighteousness, seemingly simple tasks, but after the 4th beast puts its multi-angled spin on these things, many of the Saints become confused and lose their way. They submit to the beast and will not be counted amongst the Saints. This Little Horn will undoubtedly become a ruthless dictator with a hatred for 9: I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. 10: A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened. 11: I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. 12: As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time. 13: I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. 14: And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. 15: I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and the visions of my head troubled me. 16: I came near unto one of them that stood by, and asked him the truth of all this. So he told me, and made me know the interpretation of the things. 17: These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. 18: But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever. 19: Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet; 20: And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. 21: I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; 22: Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. 23: Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. 24: And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. 25: And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 26: But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. 27: And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. 28: Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart. https://the-red-thread.net 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_Empire |