Every Great Age has it's God and Messiah |
Pisces is a feminine
water sign that was once ruled solely by Jupiter until 1846, when at that time,
the discovery of The ancient Hebrew
people, today known only as the Jewish community, was the 'people and
nation' representing the Great Age of Aries. Just as the Ram symbolizes Aries
astrologically, the Israelites made the Ram their sacrificial animal, while still
using a Ram's horn for sounding their shofars. Mars, the planet that rules the
Astrological sign of Aries, reflects a very powerful leader, and Moses was such
an Arian leader, and it was Moses who witnessed the burning bush of an Aries fire
-matching perfectly that Great fire sign of the Age. Mars, a war-like planet - was reflected in the
warrior predisposition promoted by YHWH/Marduk,
to his people. The Israelites marched out of More Age of Aries
and Age of Pisces articles coming soon. THE NEW
With the dawning of a brand-new Age of Aquarius, we will
undoubtedly notice how the scene changes dramatically to a modern ‘state of the
art’, scientifically orientated culture and landscape. The Messiah/God for the
Age of Aquarius will be a Humanitarian with a capital 'H' and in the truest
sense of the word. Can you say ALTRUISM? Can you say PEACEMAKER? He will
promote friendship and togetherness across the oceans and airwaves by means of
the latest technology that science has to offer. Make no mistake about it, our
new Messiah will not only be a space traveler, he will be an innovative
inventor with a keenness for scientific investigation, but perhaps more
importantly, he will be an honest to goodness psychic who gives Astrology it’s
true place in the world. He, and I say 'he', because Aquarius is a male sign,
will be a trendsetter and somewhat of an eccentric rebel, when it comes to
breaking free from old traditions that have long ago petrified and grown stale. The coming Messiah-God will be a bearer
of Light, in the way of knowledge and wisdom, and as a truth seeker, he will
have an idealistic mindset, and be a staunch promoter of logic, reasoning, and
common sense. His subjects will be whisked away into the higher realm of
fantastic discoveries and innovations that will seem highly unconventional, if
not downright shocking, to many. The real truth-seekers, and the ‘young at heart’,
will be intelligent enough to see the LIGHT of the new dawning Age, and break
free from the restricting bonds that the Age of Pisces used to hold its victims
captive for so long. These 'New-Agers' will 'fly' away with the enlightened
Reformer into the vast reaches of the Heavens - both figuratively and
literally, in search of that ultimate Utopia in the heavens – the paradise of
heavenly A sweeping change
comes over the entire establishment as the new Age calls for complete change - by
will, or otherwise forced into action with the progressive reformation,
and these changes will reach out to every branch and limb of all societies and
cultures. A sense of new-found freedom will sweep across the globe, and because
there will be those who stand firm in their petrified chains of bondage; rebelliousness
and violence will break out among nations who bulk at the drastic Aquarian
changes. The deeper time evolves into the Age, the more dramatic the changes
become, for like a bolt of lightning, the Aquarian Messiah will sear ones mind
with reformation, rejunification, and innovative realities of an idealistic
future for all humanity. A truly Aquarian
Messiah/God will appear to be temperamental, but tolerant, impersonal, but
approachable and friendly, shy and independent, original and idealistic,
radical and progressive, cold, but curious. Our new 'god' of the Age will be a
reformer with an idealistic agenda. Outer space and Extraterrestrials will not
only be a curiosity, the interest will gain bold new momentum, especially when
the Aquarian Age gets under full swing. The promotion of Astrology will
be high on this god’s program. The masses will come to the realization that
this ancient mathematical science of heavenly rule, is the only true 'voice'
from the Great Creator of the Heavens – written by the very finger of the true
Spiritual Creator of the Universe, who supersedes each and every messiah and
god of all the Great Ages. Do not look for the new Messiah to
follow any status-quo, for he will be the ultimate trendsetter - never one to
give in to senseless tradition and practices – no matter how many thousands of years
they have been in existence. Being quite fixed in his ways, he will expect
everyone to see that his approach and technique makes logical sense, and it is
this realization that ushers in the ultimate in perfection. Last, but certainly not least, our new
Messiah-god will be psychic, telepathic, clairvoyant, and will have the ability
to communicate with his ‘preferred’ subjects in this manner as well.
space, and space travel, television, electronics, science, technology
of the future, state of the art inventions. Change or be changed,
unconventional, eccentric, psychic, goal
orientated, erratic, irresponsible, curmudgeonly, compulsively
oppositional, cynical, tactless, burnt out, strung out, shattered,
shocked, perverse, abrupt, intolerant, headstrong, violent, ruthless,
anarchistic, rebellious, willful, feels stifled and trapped, manic
states, berserker states, fanaticism, fixed ideas, impatience,
accidents, spasms, spasticity, stroke, close encounters with
electricity and lightning.Humanitarian, inventive, creative artistic, individualistic, original, progressive, independent, tolerant, logical, intellectual, altruistic, temperamental, cold, eccentric, radical, impersonal, rebellious, unpredictable, fixed in opinions, shy. Friendships, organizations, humanitarianism, politics, networking (e.g. the Internet, communications networks, clubs), computers and electronics, and outer space (and alien life). Aquarius types often tend to be individualists and idealists, and innovators and inventors, they stand out as trend-setters, and eccentrics rebels. They are impartial analyzers, logical thinkers, interesting conversationalists, curious experimenters, scientific investigators, seekers of social equality, humanitarians, progressive politicians, and reformers. Friendships are important. HOME |