of Chapter
Twelve by Betty Matteson Rhodes, which she first
on August 12, 2012, updated on June 9, 2020 to include
the 'on Earth' section. Webpage: Below is still another, perhaps easier to understand,
version of that
interpretation. Included here will be the parallel meaning
of ‘on earth as in
heaven’ and hopefully will help shed light on the Kingdom
of God / Heaven,
(they are the same kingdom). Think parables, parallels,
and patterns. When the
Book of Revelations was written, it was necessary to speak
and write in riddles
– which will be understandable after you have finished
reading this
interpretation of Revelation chapter twelve. The entire
book of Revelations
centers around the Kingdom of God/Heaven.
– The Lord’s Prayer Section
– As in Heaven interpretation of chapter 12 Section
– On Earth parallel of chapter 12 SECTION
Father who art in heaven, hallowed
be thy name; THY
KINGDOM COME; thy will be done; on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass
against us. Lead us not into temptation; but deliver us
from evil. For thine is
the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever.
Amen. 113 –
“His disciples said to him,
"When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not
come by
waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here
it is' or 'there it
is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out
upon the earth, and men do
not see it." [1] Key
Words for Revelation Chapter Twelve Woman,
Clothed with Sun, Moon at feet, Crown of twelve stars,
Woman travailing, Male
child is born, Rule with iron rod, Child taken to throne
of God, God, Throne of
God, 1260 days Red
Dragon, 7 heads, crowns on head, 10 horns, Dragon's
angels, War in heavens,
Dragon makes war with seed of woman, Flood, Mouth of
Dragon, Dragon cast down
to Earth Michael,
angels, 3.5 times, Blood of Lamb, Wilderness, Kingdom of
has come, Testimony of Jesus, Christ, Commandments SECTION
IN HEAVEN” Interpretation This
section will interpret
chapter 12 in the sense of ‘As in Heaven’. There will be
a section following this
one that will cover the ‘On Earth’ meaning. Rev
12:1-2 And
there appeared a
great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the Sun,
and the moon under her
feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve
stars: And she being with child
cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be
delivered. This
scene takes place in the skies above us; that immense
space in which our Sun,
Earth, Moon, Planets, twinkling stars, and
Constellations reside. This is our
Solar System, called 'Sol's system' because it belongs
to our very own Star
that we call the SUN, but once called 'SOL'. The Sun is
in fact a Star, one of the
biggest Stars in our Galaxy. As far as our Solar System
is concerned, without
the Sun there would be no life on Earth of any kind,
everyone and all living
bodies would cease to exist in a matter of days. In this
sense, the Sun is not
only a Creator of life, but a sustainer of life.
Furthermore, without the
entire Solar System working in concert with the Sun, and
each other, there
would be total chaos, which would result in destruction
– the opposite of
creation. Albeit, there are heavenly bodies that can be
destroyers as well…
those being intruders into our Solar System. The
this chapter is the EARTH.
Earth is basking in the brightness, warmth and light of
the Sun at closer proximity
to the Sun than where it is today. The Moon here is at
her feet. We know that
the moon was created to light the night on Earth,
therefore we know Chapter
Twelve is referring to a situation after creation was
completed. Above the
Earth's head are seen twelve stars, which make up the
twelve constellations. The
Sun, Moon, Earth, seven Planets, moons of planets, the
asteroid belt, and
distant stars are all visible from the Earth and make up
the twelve
Constellations seen in our Solar System. All the
celestial bodies in this
heavenly realm and their functions were called the
Mazzaroth by God (found in
the book of Job). These make up the crown of 12 stars,
and all were created and
strategically placed with specific purposes. This is the
created Kingdom of
God's Heaven. The SUN is actually a white dwarf star,
but is categorized as a
yellow dwarf star because it appears to be yellow
from Earth. Although it is
listed as a "dwarf", the SUN is bigger than 90% of
the stars in the
Milky Way. The list of Dwarfs includes Brown (which
is a failed star – a dud);
red that make up 75% of all known stars; orange; and
white dwarfs. They would
all be smaller than our Sun, although some white
dwarfs may have more mass. [2] Red dwarf
stars are much
smaller than our SUN, while Brown dwarfs can be larger
than Jupiter but are
failed stars that never made it as a star or planet. God
and his throne depicted in this story is the SUN, which
reminds me of something
else that Jesus said: “Behold I am the bright and
morning Star.” And Rev
1:16 “And he had in his right hand seven stars: and
out of his mouth went
a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the
sun shineth in his
strength.” Back
to chapter twelve: This chapter reveals to us that Earth
is under great stress
and is travailing in pain and upheaval much like a woman
in labor pains before
the birth of a child. Rev
12:3-5 And
there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a
great red dragon, having
seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his
heads. And his tail
drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast
them to the earth: and
the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be
delivered, for to
devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought
forth a man child, who
was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her
child was caught up unto
God, and to his throne. It
seems an intruder has entered into the Sun’s Solar
System and is about to cause
great chaos. Behold a Red dwarf with its own family
system of seven planets
with disks, (much like the disks of Saturn), and ten
moons encircled about the
planets, appeared in close proximity of Earth. The disks
around the Red Dwarf’s
planets appeared to be crowns upon their heads. This Red
Dwarf system caused one-third
of the stars to fall from the sky as it traversed across
our Solar System. This
may have been how the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and
Jupiter came into
existence. From
time to time, there are intruders that wander into our
Solar System and some of
these intruder’s cause chaos in one form or the other
and even great
destruction. Intruders in the past, as well as
presently, can come in the form
of comets, meteors, debris from the tails of comets,
asteroids, red and brown
dwarfs and falling 'star' rocks. Chapter twelve of
Revelation tells the story
of a great Red Dragon, which was a Red Dwarf star in the
‘as in heaven’ story.
Revelation chapter twelve called this Red Dragon the
devil and Satan, which
wanted to take over our Sun’s Solar System. This
occurrence would have been thousands, if not millions,
of years ago. This Red Dwarf
dragon not only intruded into our Solar System, but it
collided with the Earth and
caused quite a bit of chaos. So much so, it was as if
there was a war going on
in the heavens. Matter of fact, the Earth took a direct
hit. When
coming into contact with the Earth, the Red Dwarf ripped
apart her belly and tore
away a massive chunk of Earth’s mantle and crust. This
collision left a gaping
hole as if the Earth had given birth to a child. This
man-child was taken up to
the throne of the SUN. The
Red Dwarf would
have ‘stolen’ the iron-based ‘child’ and either
destroyed it or desired it to
become part of their system, but instead, the
man-'child, born from the Earth's
belly, was caught up by the Sun’s very throne and became
the planet, Mercury,
the planet of angels and messengers. The
origin of planet Mercury has been a difficult question
in planetary science
because its composition is very different from that of
the other terrestrial
planets and the moon. This small, innermost planet has
more than twice the
fraction of metallic iron of any other terrestrial
planet. Its iron core makes
up about 65 percent of Mercury's total mass; Earth's
core, by comparison, is
just 32 percent of its mass. [3]
Mercury is made up mostly of iron, like the
center of our Earth.
Tiny Mercury is the second densest major body in the
solar system after planet
Earth, with a radius of 1,516 miles. Mercury's density
is only slightly less
than the Earth's. Mercury has a large iron core which is
most likely at least
partially molten and generates a magnetic field about 1%
as strong as that of
Earth's, and its interior appears to resemble that of
the Earth. Both planets
have a rocky layer called a mantle beneath their crusts
and both planets have
an iron core with a molten liquid mass surrounded the
core. After all, if the Son
of the Earth was made in the image of its mother, it
would be the same basically,
except for Mercury being closer to the Sun after the
collision and the Earth
further away from the Sun after the collision. Both
Mercury and the Earth would
have exhibited magnetic opposition toward each other, as
in positive to
negative magnetic poles, and in that sense the ‘child’
would 'rule' with a rod
of iron to the Earth, however, Mercury is still part of
the Earth, it is born
of the Earth. Knowing this, is Mercury in reality a
planet? This male-child who
became Mercury, is the son of the woman. Rev
6: And
the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a
place prepared of God,
that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and
days. Mercury pushed the Earth further away from
her earlier position
near the Sun, with his magnetic rod of iron. At the same
time, Earth received a
pull inward by the Sun and other planets, so as not to
allow the Earth to go
reeling out into the far reaches of the Solar System.
The collision with the
Red Dwarf system, and the reaction of the Sun and other
planets, allowed the
Earth to be positioned in a more suitable place, which
would now allow for life
to survive on the Earth. The Earth then took up
residence in her new protected
location in the Solar System and this was a good
location in spite of her
ordeal. Earth licked her wounds and was kept peaceful
for 1260 (3.5) years
for days, which may have been 3.5 Great Ages. That
would be 7,560 years
before life began on Earth. However, more than likely,
these 1260 days would
probably be much longer and refer to the twelve
celestial Great Ages of 2160
years per Age (2160 x 12 constellations). In that case,
it would be 25,920
years for a complete orbit of Great Ages, however, you
would then need to
multiply that by 3.5 times (1260), which gives us a
count of 90,720 years for
the Earth to rest up under the Sun’s protection, before Man and
Beast could begin roaming
across her healed vastness. Don’t
know about you, but I’m quite satisfied with the new
placement of the Earth’s
abode, as it would have been mighty hot that close to
the Sun. Rev
12:7-9 And
there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought
against the dragon; and
the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed
not; neither was their
place found any more in heaven. And the great
dragon was cast out, that
old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which
deceiveth the whole world: he
was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast
out with him. During
this entire process, the intrusion, the collision, the
rearranging of the Solar
System and the birth of Mercury was like a war was going
on in the heavens. The
male-child that was born of the Earth had a name,
according to Revelation
Twelve. At that time, his name was Michael. Michael had
become an ‘angel’ for
the Sun and fought with an iron rod against the Red
Dwarf and its entire system
of seven heads/crowns and ten moons/horns. The
gravitational pull from our
entire Solar System helped in fact, to chase the Red
Dwarf from the Solar
System and send it far out into the vastness of space to
never return again.
The Red Dwarf system was cast out, and was thereafter
referred to as the Devil
and Satan. This entire event would also be paralleled on
Earth to the masses of
people who would later live upon the Earth. The physical
effect that the Red
Dwarf wielded upon the Earth thousands of years ago,
would have a physical
influence to life on the Earth, as well as a Spiritual
sense. This we shall see
in Section Three. Rev
12:10-12 And
I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come
salvation, and strength, and
the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for
the accuser of our
brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God
day and night. And
they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the
word of their testimony;
and they loved not their lives unto the
death. Therefore rejoice, ye
heavens, and ye that dwell in them. After
the Sun’s Solar System had settled down following the
traumatic events caused
by the Red Dragon Intruder, a renewed strength was
gained with permanent
placements of the Earth, Moon, Planets, Constellations
and all that make up the
Sun’s Kingdom. A satisfaction and sense of completion
came over the Solar
System. Strength and salvation (ability to save Earth
from being destroyed)
exerted from the Sun, and the strength from the rod of
iron/the anointed
Mercury, which was exercised over the Red Dwarf system,
made the entire Kingdom
of Heaven rejoice. (Note: the title ‘Christ’ is not a
name, it means ‘anointed’).
Michael, the male-child, was the anointed one (anointed
by the Sun). Biblical
reference thereafter referred to Mercury as ‘Michael’ in
the ‘as in Heaven’
parallel. Because of Mercury’s high iron content, being
part of the Earth,
played a significant part in fighting off the Red Dwarf.
The intruder and its
entire system of planets was sent packing far from the
Sun’s vicinity. The
Sun/God and the man-child/Mercury had saved our Solar
System from further
destruction. The Earth was saved, given a new home,
where she was protected and
content. The Red Dwarf was the accuser of Earth, and the
entire Solar System in
this parallel, in other words the Red Dragon came into
the Sun’s Solar System
with the intent of being a destroyer. The Red Dragon
wanted the Sun’s Kingdom
bad enough to kill the child and deceive the Earth into
joining the Red
Dragon’s system. The Woman/Earth was the object of the
Devil’s collision,
hoping to destroy the Earth and her child. The
above verses sum up the events of the twelfth chapter of
Revelation and
explains the intrusion of the Red Dwarf and the
collision it caused the Earth
and the SEA. The Red Dwarf knew it only had a short time
before it would be
chased away, so it did as much damage to the Earth and
as it could. The Dragon
persecuted the Earth (woman), which brought forth the
man child – Michael / Mercury.
The Earth received two wings of a great eagle that she
might flee further out into
the Solar System and further from more harm and
destruction. She found her
place and was protected there for a time, times and half
a time until the Red
Dragon had left the Solar System. The Red Dwarf caused a
flood after the Earth,
hoping Earth would be carried further away, but she
swallowed up the flood and
it became the Atlantic Ocean. The flood was caused,
without a doubt, when
Earth’s canopy was torn by the intruder and the water
that was above the Earth
became the water on the Earth to fill up the gaping
hole. The Red Dwarf was
angry with Earth and vowed to make war with the Woman’s
descendants (seed) who
would come to live upon the Earth. Mercury helps to keep
the natural order of
the Solar System and is aided by the mighty Sun and all
who have witnessed the
destruction and birth of Mercury, whose Father is the
Sun. Now
before you get all bent out of shape, the next parallel
section will be more in
keeping with what you were probably expecting of chapter
twelve. The
apostles asked Jesus about the end of the world, and he
told them, ‘Why ask
about the end of the world, when you don’t ask about the
beginning of the
world. If you knew the beginning, you would know the
end’. I paraphrased this
but it is in essence what he meant. SECTION
12:1-2 And there
appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed
with the Sun, and the moon
under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve
stars: And she being
with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to
be delivered. The
in the ‘On Earth’ parallel is the people, ISRAEL…the
descendants of their father, Jacob,
who represents the Sun/God in this parallel meaning.
Jacob’s descendants
include all twelve tribes, wherever they may be and no
matter what age they
have lived in history. Israel is not a location,
Israel refers to people, the
‘sheep’ whom Jesus came to meet and teach about the
kingdom of God. Israel has
always been referred to in the Old Testament as a
woman. The mother of the
child, Jesus, is in fact, the woman, Israel. The
woman, Israel, has a crown of twelve stars/tribes as
their ancestry.
Israel has roots (Moon=origins/roots) from the
foundation of the world with the
Earth / Woman. There would be no Child if there were
no woman, no Michael if
there were no Earth. The birth of the male child was
to save the Earth, to save
the people, Israel. Referring
to the above
verse, the tribal people, Israel, is travailing in
birth during difficult
times. Israel had long-since lost their identity and
had taken a direction that
was very much in line with Babylon, and had strayed
far away from her
origins/roots. The woman/Israel, is about to give
birth to a child and pains to
be delivered. Rev
12:3-4 And there appeared another wonder in heaven;
and behold a great red
dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven
crowns upon his
heads. And his tail drew the third part of the
stars of heaven, and did
cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the
woman which was ready
to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it
was born. About the time the
Woman/Earth/Israel was to
deliver her child, a great red dragon/power makes itself
known. It has seven
heads and ten horns. This red dragon is the culmination
and development of what
the Roman Empire had become at the time of the birth of
this child. Keep in
mind that this Red Dragon, during the lifetime of the
people of Israel,
persecuted her people and her seed/descendants. Here is
the list the 7 kingdoms
of power (heads with crowns=power) that have caused the
Israelite people great
harm and distress from the time of Jacob up until the
birth of Israel’s child’s
birth. Up until the birth of the ‘child’, the seven
heads with crowns/kingdoms
are: 1) Egypt, 2) Assyria, 3) Babylon,
4) Medes, 5) Persia, 6)
Greece, 7) Rome. This mega Roman Babylonian beast, who
had roots in all seven
mentioned kingdoms, stood ready to devour and destroy
the anointed child as
soon as it was born. This was a preconceived murder that
Rome intended to commit,
if and when a Messiah-type figure were to show up. The
seven heads of the red dragon
had powerful kings/crowns who exerted much control and
destruction to the
people, Israel. A third of the stars
who were cast out of
heaven were actually Israelites from the tribe of Dan.
Because of their joining,
not destroying, the red beast for the destruction of the
woman/Israel, they
were cast down from ‘heaven’, meaning they were no
longer considered part of
the Israelite people...they were cast out of the family
of Israel by God. These
10 horns were the Germanic tribes. The Germanic most
unHoly Roman Empire became
more detrimental to Jesus after his death than perhaps
Rome was before his
death. Rome murdered his physical body, and also that of
his disciples; but the
unHoly Roman Empire, created by the ten Germanic tribes
with Rome/Babylonian
beast as their foundation, murdered millions of lives,
and have put their souls
in bondage. This was the outcome for many Israelites who
turned their souls
over to the Babylon-type beast. Rev 12:5-6
And she
brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations
with a rod of iron: and
her child was caught up unto God, and to his
throne. And the woman fled
into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of
God, that they should
feed her there a thousand two hundred and
threescore days. The previous section
was about the ‘as in
Heaven’ parallel to chapter 12, which occurred at the
beginning of the world.
This section is about the parallel that takes place ‘on
Earth’ toward the end
of the world. The woman, Israel, brought forth a male
child around the year 3
BCE. He lived for 3.5 times, which was about 35 years.
His name was called Jesus.
Jesus was killed by Rome when he was 35 years old. The
Jews of the day said he
was an imposter and wanted him killed…little did they
know that they were the
imposters. If Jesus had lived a full life, he would have
led all nations with a
rod of iron, but he was brutally murdered by Rome and by
Jews. These ‘Jews’ are
not the sheep in which Jesus came to meet and to warn
ahead of time about the
apostacy that was coming, in fact he called them ‘the
sons of the devil’ as
they were bought and paid for by the beast throughout
most of the heads of Babylonian/Rome.
They were corrupt and disowned by Jesus. Note: Paul’s
father was a Pharisee in
fact, I believe Paul was not a friend of Jesus or the
disciples, but rather, a
spy for Rome. After his death, the
man-child called Jesus,
was then caught up to the throne of God. At that time,
the true Israelites were
sent into a life of secrecy by the Spirit of God. The
woman/Israel was taken
into a wilderness protection plan for 1260 days/years
where she was kept from
harm as the beast would have destroyed every last one of
them if their identity
had been known. The umbrella of protection was right
under the nose of Rome and
they never suspected a thing. The true descendants of
Jacob are still in
disguise for the most part today and there are
thousands, if not millions of
them – still undetected. Actually, for nearly 3000
years, the woman/Israel has
been lost to the world but protected by God. Rev
12:7-9 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his
angels fought against
the dragon; and the dragon fought and his
angels, and prevailed not;
neither was their place found any more in
heaven. And the great dragon was
cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceiveth the
whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his
angels were cast out with
him. From the time of
Jesus’ birth up until 1806,
when Napoleon put an end to the unHoly Roman Empire,
great wars and atrocities
took place as the beast fought and killed millions of
Israelites, who were now
known as Jesus’ sheep. Rome captured millions of souls,
which they hold in
bondage for the devil. Michael (Jesus) and his
angels/followers fought against
the “unHoly Roman Empire” and that Empire fought against
Jesus’ people. The ten
horns that come out of the all-encompassed
Babylonian/Roman beast are the
Germanic tribes, who created the ‘Holy’ Roman Empire on
December 25, 800 A.D.
with Charlemagne as both King and Pope. And yes, that is
why you celebrate that
day as the birth of Christ – it is for Charlemagne, not
Jesus. This unholy
empire caused great wars with the woman, Israel, and the
sheep of Jesus, whom
he came to warn and teach, hopefully to save many from
this satanic beast. Those
Germanic tribes who proudly took part in the unHoly
Roman Empire and fought
against the Israelites, have lost their place among the
people of Israel. These
are the ‘on Earth’ stars that were cast out of heaven…or
out of the flock of God’s
chosen people, Israel. Rev
12:10-12 And
I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come
and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power
of his Christ: for the
accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them
before our God day and
night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their
testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the
death. Therefore
rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. The loud voice came in
the form of the Great
Reformation that sounded loud and clear all across
Europe among the Israelite
nations. Most significantly was the Scottish Reformation
Act, which held the supreme
status on the woman, Israel. In Scotland, the 1560
AD Parliament instituted
the Scottish Reformation Act severing all ties from
the Pope and Rome. The
power of the anointed people broke the hold that the
unHoly Roman Empire and
the Vatican had over them. Strength was given them by
their strong belief in
their Lord and Master, and they were redeemed by the
blood/death of the
anointed one, as he had more power after the crucifixion
than he did before his
death. On Earth, the accuser
is someone that gives a
false testimony of the subject, just as the Roman
Babylonian dragon has done to
Christ. Think of it this way, CNN and other liberal news
outlets are the
‘accusers’ of Trump. They report falsities and twist
everything he says and
does it to deceive the uninformed. They do this because
they have a different
agenda than that of Trump. The accusers of Christ were
no different. They had a
different agenda than what Christ was all about. There
will come the day when
the Babylonian/Roman beast will be permanently destroyed
by Michael / Jesus.
The ‘blood’ of the Lamb represents the death of the
innocent, who are without
sin. The anointed and appointed One who was to represent
the man-child, born of
the woman, Israel. His life/death became a new covenant
between two parts of
the same body. In this case the two parts are the
children of Israel and the
children of Judah. These are his sheep that he came to
warn of what was to
happen after he was gone. Warn them about the
Roman-Babylonian devil beast that
would not only murder them but would rob their very
souls if they became
weakened. The Holy Roman Empire
of the Germanic Nation,
who were from the tribe of Dan, therefore part of
Israel, developed during the
Early Middle Ages (December 25, 800 AD) under the
Frankish King Charlemagne,
who was crowned both Emperor and Pope on that day. This
appointment began the unHoly
Roman Empire, which continued until its dissolution in
the year 1806 during the
Napoleonic Wars. Prior to the ‘Holy’
Roman Empire, the Roman empire
held its strong grip over the throne of David, and the
Israelites for 1260
years, from 300 AD with Constantine until 1560 AD when
the Scottish Reformation
Act was enacted. From this time around 1560 all of
Europe participated in the
Reformation to break away from Rome, the Pope, and the
Vatican. They were
highly successful. “On July 18, 1536, the
English Parliament
passed the law titled “An Act Extinguishing the
authority of the bishop of Rome”.
This was in fact one of a series of laws which had been
passed during the
previous four years, severing England from the pope and
the Roman Catholic
Church.” [5]
far as the Israelites are concerned, the authority of
Ephraim and Manasseh, on
whose heads the name Israel passed, by their
grandfather, Jacob, were living
chiefly in the British Isles prior to 1603. The reformation
actually began in the year 1515
with the German professor of theology, Martin Luther,
but wasn’t until a few
years later that it reached the throne of Scotland in
year 1560. The throne of
Scotland is the inherited throne of King David,
celebrated King over all of Israel.
In the year 1603 AD King James I of Scotland united all
of Scotland, England,
Wales, Ireland in a great unification of the twelve
tribes of Israel, exactly
2520 years from the time that Israel became divided into
two kingdoms in 917 BC. After
the Roman/Babylonian satanic grip over the Israelite
people for 1260 years, beginning
in 300 AD with Constantine, they break ties with the
Roman Babylonian beast and
its false religion. From Constantine’s mandatory
Christian religion in 300 AD
to 1560 AD is exactly 1260 years. The Dragon’s flood, in
the name of Christianity,
had been swallowed up by the woman Israel during this
loud voice that swept all
across the Israelite nations in the form of the Great
Reformation. The bonds
with the red dragon beast should have been severed
completely, but many found
it hard to come clean away. Constantine was born
on February 27, and the
year was circa 275- 285. He converted to Christianity
around 300 AD and made
Christianity the mandatory religion over the Roman
Empire. Later on, in 529 AD,
Justinian ordered ALL people to become Christian and in
534 AD came the
completion of ‘Justinian’s Law Code.’ There were
thousands of Israelites who
were killed during the Dark Ages all across Europe. But
alas, the Babylonian
beast had lost 90% of its power over the Israelites.
More still needs to be
done. The message about the real Kingdom of God hasn’t
been taught yet. This
needs to be done before the return of the Anointed One,
when he gathers up his
lost sheep. Rev
12:12-17 Woe to
the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the
devil is come down unto
you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath
but a short
time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto
the earth, he
persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
And to the woman
were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might
fly into the wilderness,
into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and
times, and half a time,
from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out
of his mouth water as a
flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be
carried away of the
flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the
earth opened her mouth, and
swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his
mouth. And the
dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war
with the remnant of her
seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the
testimony of Jesus
Christ. The devil is the
Babylonian / Roman beast
with the 7 heads as explained previously. The fallen
stars / Germanic ten horns
were explained previously. It was Rome that killed
Jesus, they killed his
disciples, burned and destroyed most all knowledge of
what Jesus was about,
what he taught his followers, why he spoke in parables,
and what the warning to
his people was about. From what I can gather from the
books that didn’t make it
into the New Testament, there was an imposter that
worked with Rome to hijack
the teachings of Jesus, to create their own ‘messiah’
and religion around the
popularity of Jesus. I am not referring to Judas, who
betrayed Jesus and
resulted in the death of his body, but there was one who
led in the robbing of
the very souls of the sheep of whom Jesus loved. The disciples
did not like Paul and even
Jesus hinted that there was one that would come that
would teach something
other than what he (Jesus) taught. In
fact, Paul, son of a Pharisee was probably an instigator
in the death of Jesus
and the disciples. I believe they were all killed and
only one left alive and
that was Mary Magdalene, as Rome didn’t kill women
because to them, women
didn’t know anything anyway. I believe that the book of
Revelations was written
by Mary who received the revelations from Jesus before
his death. The book was
so written so that it wouldn’t be understood, until one
day, someday, someone
would understand. The disciples were
continually calling Paul a
liar and implied that he was a spy for Rome. Paul argued
that his gospel was
the authentic "gospel of Christ" and that "another
(that of James, Peter, and John) was false. Paul sounds
more like CNN doesn’t
he? For
example, his letter to the
Galatians contains his argument supporting
"Justification/salvation by
faith, not by works." However, the Gospel of James
(2:14-17) proclaimed:
"What does it profit…if a man says he has faith, but has
not works? Can
his faith save him? If a brother or sister is ill-clad
and in lack of daily
food, and one of you says to them, `Go in peace, be
warmed and filled,' without
giving them the things needed for the body, what does it
profit? So, faith by
itself, if it has not works, is dead." The teachings of
Jesus, as described by the
gospel writers, agreed with James but Paul disagreed.
Jesus never met Paul, but
the disciples knew that Jesus did not approve of Paul
and considered him
contrary to what Jesus was teaching. Paul admitted he
had persecuted those who
followed Jesus, although he never revealed that he had
done so under another
name, Saul. If not for Luke, we would not be aware that
he had ever been called
Saul. If not for Luke's important information about his
birth name, Paul could
never have been associated with the Saulus, whom the
Jewish historian, Josephus,
accused of participating in the stoning death of James,
Jesus' brother, c. 62,
long after Paul's claimed conversion on the road to
Damascus. Josephus' Saulus
was the grandson of Salome (Saulome?), sister of King
Herod the Great. (Source:
Josephus, Antiquities, Book 20.9.1-4). What do I think? I
think that Paul, in
concert with Rome, used Jesus as a foundation in which
to build their Roman /
Babylonian religion upon. Paul, a spy for Rome,
instigated the murder of Jesus
and the disciples. So therefore, the Christian religion
is mainly built on what
Paul wrote, and not what Jesus taught or wanted to be
taught. Case in point:
Jesus told his disciples what they were to teach was
about the Kingdom of God /
Heaven. And his return would not occur until this was
taught. Jesus said this: Gospel of Thomas 113 – “His
disciples said to him,
"When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not
come by
waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying
'here it is' or 'there it
is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out
upon the earth, and men do
not see it." Tell me, you who are
reading this – do you
know what the kingdom of God is? They have had 2000
years to teach about it and
yet I have not heard zip zero about the kingdom of
Heaven taught by religious
leaders. That’s because they, themselves, do not know. 1
Gospel of Thomas 113 2 Cardiff University. "Earth's Crust
Missing In
Mid-Atlantic." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 2 March
2007. |