Note: The info on this web page has been posted to share with others and has always been from reputable sources  [see source links below]. This page receives nearly 24,000 hits a month and increases each month.
This site features Rhesus-free blood, i.e. Rh negative

Blood Types & Peoples
(in percentages)

Shompen (Nicobars) 100 0 0 0
Bororo 100 0 0 0
Peru (Indians) 100 0 0 0
Mayas 98 1 1 1
American Indian 79 16 4 1
Navajo - Am Indian 73 27 0 0
Aborigines 61 39 0 0
Kenya  60  19 20 1
Icelanders 56  32 10 
Irish 52  35  10 
Scots 51  34  12 
Basque  51  44  1
USA (blacks) 49 27 20 4
English  47 42 
Chinese-Canton  46 23  25 
 USA (whites)  45 40  11 
 Dutch  45 43  3
 Turks  43 34  18 
 French  43 47 
 Jews  (Germany)  42 41  12 
Slovaks 42 37 16 5
Vietnamese 42 22 30 5
Danes 41 44 11 4
Swiss 40 50 7 3
Greek 40 42 14 5
Norwegians 39 50 8 4
Swedes 38 47 10 5
  Serbians 38 42 16 5
 Spanish 38 47 10 5
Hawaiians 37 61 2 1
Ukranians 37 40 18 6
Portuguese 35 53 8 4
 Finns 34 41 18 7
Arabs 34 31 29 6
Jews (Poland) 33 41 18 8
Egyptians 33 36 24 8
Latvians  32 37 24 7
Armenians 31 50 13 6
Japanese  30 38 22 10
Chinese-Peking 29 27 32 13
Gypsies 29 27 35 10
Lapps 29 63 4 4
Tartars (Mongols) 28 30 29 13
Kalmuks 26 23 41 11
 Blackfoot (N. Am. Indian) 
17 82 0 1
Ainu (Japan) 17 32 32 18
Andamanese (near Thialand) 9 60 23 9
O + 1 person in 3  or  38.4%
O - 1 person in 15  or  7.7%
A + 1 person in 3   or  32.3%
A - 1 person in 16  or  6.5%
B + 1 person in 12  or  9.4%
B - 1 person in 67  or  1.7%
AB + 1 person in 29  or  3.2%
AB - 1 person in 167  or  0.7%

O blood type (usually resulting from the absence of both A and B alleles) is very common around the world. It is particularly high in frequency among the indigenous populations of Central and South America, where it approaches 100%. It also is relatively high among Australian Aborigines and in Western Europe (especially in populations with Celtic ancestors).  The lowest frequency of O is found in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where B is common.

Following are some charts to help explain Blood types. The charts represent the general population of the United States.
Racial and ethnic backgrounds will differ.

What Blood Type Can Donate Blood to Me?**


CAN RECEIVE [see red blocks]
O - ** O + B - B + A - A + AB - AB


clear.gif (807 bytes)


AB -
A +


A -
B +

B -
O +

O -

NOTE: Distribution is different for every racial and ethnic population group.

** NOTE: Recent Blood research indicates that where, at one time, a person with type O negative Blood was considered to be a 'universal donor,' this may no longer be correct, because of a better understanding of the complex issues of immune reactions related to incompatible donor Blood cells.

Did You Know?
Blood type is inherited, just like eye color.
Certain blood types are more common in certain countries. In China, over 99% of the population has Rh+ blood.
Different kinds of animals have different kinds of blood. Dogs have 4 blood types; cats have 11; cows have about 800.
Some people think blood type tells about personality. Legend has it that Type A is calm and trustworthy; Type B is creative and excitable; Type AB is thoughtful and emotional; and Type O is a confident leader.
In Japan, the idea of blood type as personality type is so popular that Japanese ask “What's your blood type?” about as often as Americans ask “What's your sun sign?”

Source Statistics from:

Note: Blackfeet Indians have 'A' blood,  while other native Indians have '0' blood.   The Peruivan Indians have '0' blood as well.

Maps of blood type distributions:

Also read interesting findings on World Blood Types  by Andis Kaulins at:
Posted Monday, Mar. 18, 1985

There is no coat of arms on the flask, but somewhere in one of Britain's hospitals a convalescent patient has some of the world's most exclusive blood flowing through his or her veins. The regal donor of the precious stuff was Prince Charles, 36, who has become the first member of the royal family ever to give blood, in his case, O Rh-negative. The unprecedented puncturing of royalty was to reassure Britons after a nationwide scare about AIDS caused a drop in donations. At the North London Transfusion Center, the Prince was asked whether he was homosexual, injected drugs into his veins or had had sex with anyone in those two groups. After those regulation indignities (and his negative answers), he had an apprehensive question of his own: "Is it going to hurt?" When the pint was finally drawn, Charles pretended to apologize because his blood was not blue: "I'm afraid it's red like anyone else's." Fancy that.

From the Mar. 18, 1985 issue of TIME magazine

Abelard-Schumann, New York

Now we can summarize our six genetic races: *

1. Australian (Aboriginal): low B or none, low M, no A2

2. American (Indian): low B or none, low N, no A2

3. Asian: High B, high Rhz, no A2

4. African: High B, high Rho, some rh (negative), high A2

5. European: moderately high rh (negative), moderate B, moderate A2

6. Early European: very high rh (negative), no B

The genes for O and A are so widespread among all groups of people that they are nearly useless in racial classification.
The six races (plus a seventh race which is less clear-cut) divide the world in an interesting manner. We can follow immigration waves that we could not follow if we used skin color or some other obvious physical characteristic. For instance, a group of immigrants high in A must have entered western Japan from Korea in the not distant past and spread eastward. That would account for the variation of frequency in the A gene in different parts of Japan.
As we learn more about the blood-group genes, and about other genes, too, and as we test more and more people all over the earth, we can expect to be able to trace man's evolution more exactly and to learn the stages by which he has populated the world.
"Blood typing as a method not to determine race but to trace the different overall "types" of humanity and show how they have moved back-and-forth across the world."John H. Jenkins
 The most troublesome peoples to pin down are those that live in Europe. Here a problem arises in the Rh blood-group series.
In order to explain the problem, let's just say a few words about the Rh series. One of the Rh genes is usually written as rh (with a small "r.") The rh gene is recessive to all the other genes in the Rh series. Therefore, it is only when a person is homozygous for rh (that is, has two rh genes) that it can be detected. Such a person is said to be Rh-negative. A person with only one rh gene or none at all is Rh-positive.
Rh-negative blood is one type that can have a drastic effect on human health. (Remember, we said at the beginning of the chapter that there was one.) Sometimes a mother is Rh-negative and her unborn baby is Rh-positive (having inherited one of the other Rh genes from the father). When this happens, some of the baby's erythrocytes may be destroyed and other serious damage also results. Consequently, the baby will die before birth or very shortly after.