The PATTERN OF EPHRAIM 1603 – End of Time United Kingdom of Great Britain & Colonies United States of America Genesis 41:52 “And the name of the second called he Ephraim: For God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction.” Ephraim was the second son of Joseph, blessed by Jacob and given the bigger blessing of the two brothers. Strong's #669 'Ephrayim {ef-rah'-yim} Ephraim shall be doubly fruitful, double the bountifulness, double ash-heap. Fruitful = #6509 {parah}, meaning fruitful, increased growth, bearing a bountifulness, brings forth, bear fruit, branches off. The pattern for Ephraim meant that Joseph would see greater blessings and bountifulness than ever before. Ephraim would become a multitude of nations, but there was a down side too. Ephraim would become foolish and not experience his full potential – he becomes as a [pan]cake not turned. 'Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people, Ephraim is a cake not turned' [or a cake undercooked]. This does not mean 'burned' on one side, but rather, what this verse says is that Ephraim will only reach half his potential. Ephraim reaches only a half-done state because the descendants of Ephraim have allowed for strangers to enter his borders, thus zapping his strength. A mix of cultures, races, and derelicts would easily enter Ephraim's borders, causing an overall harmful situation for Ephraim. These strangers prevent Ephraim's full potential to develop and bloom past their golden harvest. Consequently, instead of reaching the desired state of land mass potential, world power, richness, blessings, success, peace, harmony, and God-given authority, Ephraim has sold out much of his assets to a guilty conscience because he could not readily accept blessings from the Lord without feeling guilty in possessing these rich gifts. The pattern for Ephraim is 'undercooked' because the descendants lack strength of discipline. 'Undone' because they give in to political correctness, which zaps Joseph's strength. Undercooked because they think to bring the rest of the world up to their blessing level, and in the process of their altruism attempt, they begin to lose the very blessings given to them starting in 1603. These blessings made them a great people possessing great nations, and now, because of their own weaknesses, they are beginning to lose these blessings one by one. After half the years of Manasseh's Pattern was reached, 390 years is half of 780, vandals began destroying what is considered to be the tomb of Joseph. Non-Israelites by the boat loads began pouring into the countries of Israelite nations. Ephraim was beginning to see his 'cake' being taken off the griddle only half done – in half of Manasseh's time. Ephraim did reach the 'multitude of nations' status, and could have doubled that again, if they would have been a little wiser. Ephraim will always maintain an official bloodline to Isaac and Jacob, it is the additional blessings, which he could have obtained, that he loses and continues to lose, through his own doing. Today, we can see how England, as well as America, Canada, and other 'Joseph' countries, are losing their God-given blessings in gates/ports of entry, land mass, power, authority, freedom, and other bountifulness [called herein the Ephraim Pattern]. They have allowed 'strangers' to walk in through the front door and usurp these things. Do you think this sounds arrogant of me to write this? - Tell your side of the story to God, for He has spoken... it as prophecy - lest we again FORGET.
Attention: Israelites should take care of their own people first, but Israelite governments worry only about elections, greediness, world fame, status, and political correctness. By neglecting our own people, we will become a minority in the world. We must reverse this action to save Jacob's bloodline. In so doing, the entire world will benefit, as there is no other people that have the instinct to be as kind, as nurturing, offering humanitarianism to all, as do the Israelite people. If the Hebrew people become extinct, the populations of the world will revert backwards in time. This has always been the cycle of things. Not my idea – study the cycles of nations and see for yourself. Deuteronomy 7:6 "For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the Earth." and Deuteronomy 14:2 "thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the Earth." America, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and others, all combined represent the Biblical 'Ephraim' Pattern today. The people themselves constitute the identity, and as a democracy, the governments are their speaking and acting voice. As we look back in history, we see how the Israelites came into possession of the Northern Isles first, but when the pattern for Ephraim reached its fullest peak was between the years of 1603 - 1950. England was not the only nation to gain land - America won her freedom with massive land ownership during this period of time as well. The land of Australia became the homeland for many of these same descendants, as well as South Africa and New Zealand. During the time that the sun never set on Great Britain, we were representing the pattern for Ephraim. During the time of colonization of America, we were playing out the Ephraim card. The 'roots' [ancestry] of Joseph shall always be planted in the British Isles; HOWEVER, the vines of Joseph grew over the walls, i.e. wandering across the oceans, out-growing the limited borders of the tiny Isles. No matter where the 'vines' meandered, they were still the same people who make up the multitudes of Joseph's descendants, for it is the people with the role to play, and it is the people themselves who received the blessings of great bountifulness. Why would they be so careless as to forfeit all these blessings? Today, as Joseph's descendants
experience the beginning of a new Age, they still exhibit and
exercise the role of Ephraim, but we can see it waning. To say that
the United Kingdom is Ephraim IS correct, and to say that America IS
Ephraim is also correct - to say that Canada is Ephraim is also
correct. For together we are the horns of 'unicorns' that push the
nations together at the end of times. All the same people who share
the same roots of the same tree/vine. And there is plenty of 'Bull'
to go around. England may have had John Bull, but America has Bull
Durham, and Western Rodeos with hundreds of bulls; consider 'Bull' in
the United States Navy and NOAA Corps, and the name given to the
senior-most Ensign (rank) on a ship or flight unit. Not forgetting
there is plenty of bull in America's beef industry. Recently, England
was forced to destroy thousands of bulls because of 'mad cow
disease'. England may have had their seal of ownership on many
foreign lands, but today Joseph's descendants actually inhabit all
the vast reaches of land that America owns. England may have the
Queen and the inherited throne of David, but America's presidents
have all had the same connections to David's royal bloodline, as do
the royal families of Great Britain. It really doesn't matter who has
the most Bull because all Joseph's descendants once portrayed the
pattern for Manasseh, and these very same peoples, in later
generations, reflect the pattern for Ephraim.
For additional information on Ephraim - read "Sounding the Shofar"