March 30,
Unveiling Newsletter # 24 Possibly a bloodline from Jesus & Mary Magdalene?? Unveiling Newsletter #9 will give you a background for this article It is now time to bring forth more information on Mary Magdalene. As many of you know, most of my newsletters have been as a result of dreams. However, this newsletter is the result of bits of information that have been forth-coming over the years, along with new findings and opinions from scholars and researchers around the world. So far, the following facts could be
possible about Mary Magdalene, Jesus, and at least
one offspring of these two people:
Fact # 1: Jesus could have been married - no reason not to be as the very first OT commandment to man was 'be fruitful and multiply'. Fact # 2: Mary Magdalene is the most logical woman who would have been the wife of Jesus. Fact # 3: The fourth gospel of the NT, the book known as the Gospel of John, was not written by a disciple named John. Most biblical scholars are now realizing this fact. Some now believe that it was written by Mary Magdalene. Fact # 4: Peter said to Mary Magdalene, "Sister, we know that the Savior loved you more than other women [cf. John 11:5, Luke 10:38-42]. Tell us the words of the Savior which you have in mind since you know them; and we do not, nor have we heard of them." Fact # 5: Possibly the reason that the most beloved disciple, 'John', was not brutally murdered as were all the other disciples, but was sent to the Isle of Patmos was because 'John' was actually a woman - a pregnant woman named Mary Magdalene. Fact # 6: Leonardo Di Vinci had information that the church didn't want released to the public. Fact # 7: Leonardo added hints and clues within his paintings that may point to the truth. Fact # 8: Leonardo's depiction of St. John in his paintings sometimes included an Eagle and a snake. Fact # 9: Simon Peter said to him, Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life. Jesus said, I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven. (Gospel of Thomas #114) Fact # 10: The Eagle was not actually a feathered friend but was a symbol of Mary's child named John. Fact # 11: The snake in the paintings represent the symbol for the bloodline of Jesus' child who carries the DNA from Christ. Snake around a pole = DNA strand. Fact # 12: This bloodline from Jesus gave to the world a Rh negative type O blood line - the purest, most valuable blood in the world. Less than 4% of the people in the entire world have this blood type and scientists are baffled as to its origins - some believe it to be extraterrestrial in origin. Fact # 13: Why the RED ROSE was identified with the Holy Grail and Mary Magdalene - it represents the [red] blood line and Mary herself. Fact #14: The St. John family [with that actual surname] originated in France, was first called 'Sension' (French), which means 'St. John' may be from this very bloodline of Jesus and Mary. Among many from this bloodline is found to be Rh negative blood, type O. Fact # 15: If Mary wrote the Gospel of John, the reason the name 'John' was given to the 4th Gospel, is for Mary's son 'John', because the church didn't give women the right to be authors and would not put Mary on equal booking as Matthew, Mark, Luke, etc. Fact # 16: The origin of the family with the surname of St. John, or Sension/Sention, comes from Mary's son John, at one time found in France and protected by the Templar Knights. Fact # 17: The Basque people of the Pyrenees Mts of France-Spain are predominantly Rh negative blood type O, and could be descendants of Mary's son, John or daughter. Fact # 18: The Basque people were/are special and different, but why are they? Some were adventurers who traveled far, however, most did not mix with other peoples until later on. They were/are highly intelligent people - not stereotypical 'hill' people at all. Fact # 19: For some reason, Rose St. John, Betty's grandmother, has a mysterious origin, life, and death. The family has always felt or sensed that there was some special connection to something different but were unaware as to what or how. The St. John Journals were passed down to Betty. Fact # 20: "Keeper of the Celtic Secrets" was written in 2005, published in 2006, before reading Brown's 'DaVinci Code' book. Betty read Brown's book after her book was already published. She has never read 'Holy Blood Holy Grail'. Written without any consideration or knowledge of Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of John's possible connection. Without any previous awareness or conscious thought of Leonardo's paintings of John on the Isle of Patmos, the eagle, rose, or snake. Fact # 21: After all these pieces are formulated, one could say that there is quite certainly a bloodline from Jesus' son, whom Mary named John. Fact # 22: Jesus was from another world called 'Heaven'. The church used his life to build their religion upon, while keeping the truth from being known to the public. Fact # 23: Quite possibly the Templars knew the truth, and was protecting this bloodline and the truth about Jesus and his family. Fact # 24: People living today with Rh negative blood, type O, and possibly the other types of A, B, and AB negative, possess special insight, have a special link to their ancestor, Jesus, which provides them with advanced insight into the nature of things. While not all descendants have the negative blood, they would carry the recessive gene. Fact # 25: Mary Magdalene was not a harlot - but the church and Rome degraded her memory to being such to cast doubt on her character. They lied - but the truth is forth-coming. More on Mary Magdalene: The Beauty and the Bands article will also give you a further perspective on what happened. Website: Newsletter Archives: Betty Rhodes the unveiler HOME: NEWSLETTER INDEX |