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 1752 - 1823

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Ambler Andross Adams Adams Abbot Andress Abrahams
Avery Barly Ambler Ambler Ambler Andross Abrams
Bailey Baxter Avary Bates Angur Andrus Allan
Benedict Belding Baird Bolt Bailey Armstrong Allen
Bennett Bulson Baker Bowers Baird Banks Best
Bishop Bumpus Banks Brooks Baker Barley Bolt
Bouton Cable Bartlet Brown Banks Belding Brush
Brooks Card Bates Carpenter Bartlet Betts Close
Brown Carmon Bolt Chapman Beeman Blodget Conklin
Brush Carpenter Bostwick Clapp Bosthick Bloomer Gilbert
Burt Clap Bowers Clark Bostwick Bolt Havilland
Canfield Clapp Brady Conklin Brady Boughton Hawley
Chapman Cobble Bush Crane Brainaard Bulson Johnson
Clark Coley Carter Crawford Brundage Bumpus Lowree
Close Cooley Chapman Crofut Buckbee Card Lowry
Close Crofut Chittester Davis Buckston Carmon Middlebrooks
Crane Crofut Clanson Dixson Burchard Cluckston Nash
Crane Cross Conklin Doolittle Bush Cobble Rhine
Crissy Curtis Crawford Dowd Carter Cooley Sears
Dibble Delivan Dan Dunn Clanson Cornell Selah
Dickson Dickins Davis Ferris Comstock Crawfoot St. John
Doolittle Dowd Denton Fisher Dan Crofut Steemrod
Fancher Fairchild Dikeman Fleming Delevan Cross Stephens
Ferris Fisher Dixson Foote Denton Curtis Stevens
Gilbert Frost Done Forbes Denton Dickins Titus
Gilburd Gardnier Fleming Foster Denton Dilevan VanCoit
Green Garnsey Foot Fowler Desbury Finch Ward
Greene Gilburd Forbes Gardnier Dikeman Frost Wheeler
Grommond Gromon Fowler Gibbons Dunning Gardner Whelpley
Guernsey Haight Gerson Gilbert Fairchild Gilburd Best
Gunter Haight Gibione Grant Fuller Gromon
Hamley Haise Graham Greene Gerson Hais
Hawkins Haise Grant Grommon Graham  Haise
Hawley Haliburt Gregory Haight Gregory Haliburt
Hayes Hall Griffin Halstead Guion Hall
Hayes Hareford Gruion Hawkins Halstead Harris
Hays Harice Guion Hawley Harris Hodge
Hereford Haynes Halsted Hereford Higgins Holly
Howe Hitchcock Herick Herrick Hunt Jarvis
Hoyt Hodge Herrick Herrick Ingersol Jermon
Hubbell Hopkins Hobby Hitchcock Jenks Jones
Hull How Hoe Holmes Jessup Jun
Keeler Hulse Homes Hopkins Kapp Keeler
Kellogg Hurlbutt Hubs Howe Ketchum Keller
Lawrence Jarvis Husted Hoyt King Kendrick
Loder Jennings Jarvis Hulse Knapp Knox
Lowell Jermon Jenks Hurlburt Kniffen Lobdel
Lyon Jones King Hurlbutt Lawrence Miller
Lyons Kendrick Knapp Jarvis Lewis Mills
Massey Knapp Kniffen Jennings Lounsbury Mitchell
McConnell Lobdel Lawrence Kellogg Mallery Moner
Mead Maugharn Light Lawrence Marchant Monroe
Meade Maybee Malery Lobdell Marchent Monrow
Meconel Middlebrooks Mallery Longwell Marvin Moore
Neman Miller Merit Lowell Merit Morehouse
Northrop Mitchell Mills Lyons Mills Newton
Olmstead Moner Mobry Massey Morgan Nichols
Osborne Murphy Montross Maugham Mosher Nichols
Osburn Newill Morgan Maybee Owens Nicols
Palmer Nickols Murfy Middlebrooks Peat Norton
Pardee Patrick Philips Mobrey Pellom Patrick
Peck Peat Phillips Montross Pete Peatt
Platte Peck Prindel Murphy Philips Peck
Platte Pedrick Provost Murphy Phillips Pedrick
Raymond Price Rasiegee Newell Roberts Pelum
Reynolds Purdy Reed Pardee Robertson Pint
Rockewell Quick Rick Platte Robinson Poice
Rockwell Quick Robertson Prindle Rundell Price
Rockwell Randal Robertson Provost Schults Purdy
Sanford Rayment Robinson Randall Searls Quick
Scofield Resco Rough Rassagie Searls Rament
Scofield Rescue Rundle Raymond Secor Rescue
Selleck Richey Searls Reed Shurtleff Richey
Seward Richey Shurtleff Reynolds Silman Richey
Shearman Rock Simkins Rhodes Simkins Roach
Sherman Rogers Skelden Rockwell Staples Rock
Silkman Rumour Slokom Rodgers Stevens Salizer
Slawson Salzer Slokom Rogers Sturge Seeley
Stebbins Sassagie Staples Rough Sturges Shaw
Steenrod Seely Stevens Rumour Sutton Sillaman
StJohn Shaw Sturge Rundle Tarnel Silsby
Sutherland Sillaman Sturges Scofield Todd Slocum
Titus Silsbee Sutten Selleck Tomson Sniffin
Todd Silsby Tarnel Seward Tomson Sniffin
Travis Sniggin Tod Silsbee Townsend Star
Tuttle Stephans Totten Slocom Travis Steenrod
Tyler Strong Townsend Smith Underhill Stephens
Wait Trusdale Travis Sutherland Van Scoy Strong
Waite Upson Upson Upson Varnum Tiler
Wanser Utter Utter Utter Wallace Truesdale
Waterbury VanCoit VanScoy Van Wert Wallis Trusdel
Waterbury VanWart Varnum Vanscoy Waring Utter
Webster Wansen Vedenburg Waring Watrous Van Coit
Weed Waring Waring Waterbury Weed Wansen
Whitney Westcoats Waterous Webb Weeks Webb
Wiatt Wheaton Webb Webster Welsh White
Wicks White Weed Westcoats Welsh Wiatt
Wilson Wiatt Westcoat Westcott Westcoat Wicks
Wood Woolsey Wileman Wheaton Whitney Widd
Wyatt Wright Williams Wright Wileman Woolsey